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Slack Notifications for Ansible Tower (AWX)

Guangzhou, China

Slack App

I will set up a Slack Bot to handle the Ansible Tower notifications for me. First we have to create a new Slack App:

Setting up Ansible Tower (AWX)

Enter a name for your App and assign it to a workspace:

Setting up Ansible Tower (AWX)

Click on OAuth and Permissions on the left:

Setting up Ansible Tower (AWX)

Scroll down to Scopes and click Add an OAuth Scope and select chat:write:

Setting up Ansible Tower (AWX)

Scroll to the top and click Install App to Workspace:

Setting up Ansible Tower (AWX)

Click Allow:

Setting up Ansible Tower (AWX)

Under Bot User OAuth Access Token click copy:

Setting up Ansible Tower (AWX)

Paste the token in AWX Slack Notification Token box:

Setting up Ansible Tower (AWX)

And back in the Slack UI you will now see your new bot - add it to the channel you created for Ansible Tower:

Setting up Ansible Tower (AWX)

And back in the Slack UI you will now see your new bot - add it to the channel you created for Ansible Tower:

Setting up Ansible Tower (AWX)

Back in the Ansible Tower settings you are now able to send your first test notification!

Setting up Ansible Tower (AWX)