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Neo4j Movie Graph

Shenzhen, China

The software comes with a set of movie data that we can use to work with. Go to Projects and open the preinstalled Primer Project.

Neo4j Movie Graph

Start the movie database and connect to your Neo4j backend with your username and password:

Neo4j Movie Graph

We can take a first look at our data by running the following query:

MATCH (anything) RETURN (anything)

Neo4j Movie Graph

Cypher Queries

Nodes, Properties and Relationships

Only return the first five nodes with the property Person:

MATCH (anyone:Person) RETURN (anyone) LIMIT 5

or property Movie:

MATCH (any:Movie)
RETURN (any)

Show the first 5 relations between nodes:

MATCH (node1)--(node2)
RETURN node1, node2, rel

Name the relationship so you can add it to the return and specify the direction of an relationship by adding an arrow:

MATCH (node1)-[rel]->(node2)
RETURN node1, node2, rel

Specify the kind of relationship you want to query for:

MATCH (node1)-[rel:DIRECTED]->(node2)
RETURN node1, node2, rel

We can further specify properties our nodes have to have to be returned by our query:

MATCH (producer:Person)-[rel:PRODUCED]->(movie:Movie)
RETURN producer, movie, rel

Using the OR statement - return all nodes with property Person that either acted in or directed a movie:

MATCH (actors:Person)-[rel:ACTED_IN | DIRECTED]->(movie:Movie)
RETURN actors, movie, rel

Return a list of a movie titles inside our database:

MATCH (movie:Movie)
RETURN movie.title

Take the result of the query above and find the directors that directed those movies:

MATCH (movie:Movie)
MATCH (director:Person)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)

Further specify it by only matching directors that also acted in their own movie:

MATCH (movie:Movie)
MATCH (director:Person)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
MATCH (director)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie)
RETURN movie.title,

Using an optional match:

MATCH (movie:Movie)
OPTIONAL MATCH (director:Person)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(director)
RETURN movie, director
MATCH (p1:Person)-[:FOLLOWS]->(p2:Person)-[:REVIEWED]->(movie:Movie)


Search for a specific node - e.g. specific actor:

MATCH (actor\{name: 'Laurence Fishburne'\})
RETURN actor

We can speed those queries up by adding the label that the node will have:

MATCH (movie:Movie\{title: 'The Matrix'\})
RETURN movie

In this case only nodes will be searched that have the correct label - in this case Movie.

If there are more than 1 node that has Matrix in it's title - which will give us the complete trilogy:

MATCH (movie:Movie)
WHERE (movie.title CONTAINS 'Matrix')
RETURN movie

You can specify another property to specify the movie that you are looking for, e.g. the release date:

MATCH (movie:Movie\{released:1999\})
WHERE (movie.title CONTAINS 'Matrix')
RETURN movie

Another way is to use the AND operator to add another property to your match:

MATCH (actor:Person)
WHERE = 'Laurence Fishburne' AND actor.born = 1961
RETURN actor


Using the OR operator:

MATCH (movie:Movie)
WHERE movie.released = 1999 OR movie.released = 2000
RETURN movie

We can shorten this query:

MATCH (movie:Movie)
WHERE movie.released IN [1999, 2000]
RETURN movie

Search within a time window:

MATCH (actor:Person)
WHERE actor.born >= 1967 AND actor.born < 1976
RETURN actor

Or exclude a time window by using NOT:

MATCH (actor:Person)
WHERE NOT (actor.born >= 1900 AND actor.born < 1980)
RETURN actor

Find all persons that acted in but did not direct the movie with the title Unforgiven. You can check out the movie by running the following query:

MATCH (movie:Movie)
WHERE movie.title CONTAINS 'Unforgiven'
RETURN movie

When you click on the movie node and expand it's relationships you can see that there are 4 actors listed. One of which, Clint Eastwood, also directed the movie.

We can also query this information directly:

MATCH (person:Person)-->(movie:Movie)
WHERE movie.title = 'Unforgiven'
RETURN person

To exclude the director from our query we can use the AND NOT operator:

MATCH (person:Person)-->(movie:Movie)
WHERE movie.title = 'Unforgiven' AND NOT (person)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
RETURN person

Using Regular Expressions to find all movies that start with a The in their titles:

MATCH (movie:Movie)
WHERE movie.title =~ 'The.*'
RETURN movie.title

Or find all movies that have a title that contains a The anywhere:

MATCH (movie:Movie)
WHERE movie.title =~ '.*The.*'
RETURN movie.title

This will get the movie A League of Their Own as a result - if you only want to match the exact word The you have to add a SPACE behind it:

MATCH (movie:Movie)
WHERE movie.title =~ '.*The .*'
RETURN movie.title

To make the query case-insensitive use the following expression:

MATCH (movie:Movie)
WHERE movie.title =~ '(?i).*The .*'
RETURN movie.title

To exclude titles that start with The we can use .+ at the start to match any character- but there has to be at least one in front of the search word:

MATCH (movie:Movie)
WHERE movie.title =~ '(?i).+The .*'
RETURN movie.title

This will only match titles that have the word The or the somewhere in the middle.


Return the persons that acted in the movie Top Gun and order the results by the age of the actors:

MATCH (actor:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie:Movie\{title:'Top Gun'\})
RETURN, actor.born
ORDER BY actor.born DESC

For Pagination we can use the SKIP and LIMIT operator:

MATCH (actor:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie:Movie\{title:'Top Gun'\})
RETURN, actor.born
ORDER BY actor.born DESC

We can also make our results more readable by using the AS operator:

MATCH (actor:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie:Movie\{title:'Top Gun'\})
RETURN AS Name, actor.born AS Born
ORDER BY actor.born DESC


avg() - Numeric valuesReturns the average of a set of numeric values.
avg() - DurationsReturns the average of a set of Durations.
collect()Returns a list containing the values returned by an expression.
count()Returns the number of values or rows.
max()Returns the maximum value in a set of values.
min()Returns the minimum value in a set of values.
percentileCont()Returns the percentile of a value over a group using linear interpolation.
percentileDisc()Returns the nearest value to the given percentile over a group using a rounding method.
stDev()Returns the standard deviation for the given value over a group for a sample of a population.
stDevP()Returns the standard deviation for the given value over a group for an entire population.
sum() - Numeric valuesReturns the sum of a set of numeric values.
sum() - DurationsReturns the sum of a set of Durations.

COUNT: Count the results instead of displaying them:

MATCH (actor:Person\{name:'Tom Hanks'\})-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie:Movie)
RETURN COUNT(movie) AS MovieCount

SUM: If you want to add up all results:


RETURN SUM(movie.cost) AS MovieCosts

AVG, MIN, MAX: Get the average, minimum and maximum cost of a movie in your results


RETURN AVG(movie.cost) AS AVGMovieCosts, MIN(movie.cost) AS MinMovieCosts, MAX(movie.cost) AS MaxMovieCosts
MATCH (actor:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie:Movie)
RETURN MIN(actor.born), MAX(actor.born), toInteger(AVG(actor.born))

DISTINCT: When a query retrieves the same node multiple time, use the distinct operator to remove duplicates:


RETURN DISTINCT movie.title AS MovieTitle

Other Functions

String Functions:

left()Returns a string containing the specified number of leftmost characters of the original string.
lTrim()Returns the original string with leading whitespace removed.
replace()Returns a string in which all occurrences of a specified string in the original string have been replaced by another (specified) string.
reverse()Returns a string in which the order of all characters in the original string have been reversed.
right()Returns a string containing the specified number of rightmost characters of the original string.
rTrim()Returns the original string with trailing whitespace removed.
split()Returns a list of strings resulting from the splitting of the original string around matches of the given delimiter.
substring()Returns a substring of the original string, beginning with a 0-based index start and length.
toLower()Returns the original string in lowercase.
toString()Converts an integer, float, boolean or temporal type (i.e. Date, Time, LocalTime, DateTime, LocalDateTime or Duration) value to a string.
toUpper()Returns the original string in uppercase.
trim()Returns the original string with leading and trailing whitespace removed.

toString() Turn returned values into strings:

RETURN toString(11.5), toString('already a string'), toString(TRUE ), toString(date(\{ year:1984, month:10, day:11 \})) AS dateString, toString(datetime(\{ year:1984, month:10, day:11, hour:12, minute:31, second:14, millisecond: 341, timezone: 'Europe/Stockholm' \})) AS datetimeString, toString(duration(\{ minutes: 12, seconds: -60 \})) AS durationString

Neo4j Cypher Queries and Functions

trim() Strip SPACES from results:

RETURN trim("  hello  ")

replace() Replace characters inside a string replace(original, search, replace):

RETURN replace('hello', 'l', 'x')

Temporal Functions:

date()Returns the current Date .
date.transaction()Returns the current Date using the transaction clock.
date.statement()Returns the current Date using the statement clock.
date.realtime()Returns the current Date using the realtime clock.
date({year [, month, day]})Returns a calendar (Year-Month-Day) Date .
date({year [, week, dayOfWeek]})Returns a week (Year-Week-Day) Date .
date({year [, quarter, dayOfQuarter]})Returns a quarter (Year-Quarter-Day) Date .
date({year [, ordinalDay]})Returns an ordinal (Year-Day) Date .
date(string)Returns a Date by parsing a string.
date({map})Returns a Date from a map of another temporal value’s components.
date.truncate()Returns a Date obtained by truncating a value at a specific component boundary. Truncation summary.
datetime()Returns the current DateTime .
datetime.transaction()Returns the current DateTime using the transaction clock.
datetime.statement()Returns the current DateTime using the statement clock.
datetime.realtime()Returns the current DateTime using the realtime clock.
datetime({year [, month, day, …​]})Returns a calendar (Year-Month-Day) DateTime .
datetime({year [, week, dayOfWeek, …​]})Returns a week (Year-Week-Day) DateTime .
datetime({year [, quarter, dayOfQuarter, …​]})Returns a quarter (Year-Quarter-Day) DateTime .
datetime({year [, ordinalDay, …​]})Returns an ordinal (Year-Day) DateTime .
datetime(string)Returns a DateTime by parsing a string.
datetime({map})Returns a DateTime from a map of another temporal value’s components.
datetime({epochSeconds})Returns a DateTime from a timestamp.
datetime.truncate()Returns a DateTime obtained by truncating a value at a specific component boundary. Truncation summary.
localdatetime()Returns the current LocalDateTime .
localdatetime.transaction()Returns the current LocalDateTime using the transaction clock.
localdatetime.statement()Returns the current LocalDateTime using the statement clock.
localdatetime.realtime()Returns the current LocalDateTime using the realtime clock.
localdatetime({year [, month, day, …​]})Returns a calendar (Year-Month-Day) LocalDateTime .
localdatetime({year [, week, dayOfWeek, …​]})Returns a week (Year-Week-Day) LocalDateTime .
localdatetime({year [, quarter, dayOfQuarter, …​]})Returns a quarter (Year-Quarter-Day) DateTime .
localdatetime({year [, ordinalDay, …​]})Returns an ordinal (Year-Day) LocalDateTime .
localdatetime(string)Returns a LocalDateTime by parsing a string.
localdatetime({map})Returns a LocalDateTime from a map of another temporal value’s components.
localdatetime.truncate()Returns a LocalDateTime obtained by truncating a value at a specific component boundary. Truncation summary.
localtime()Returns the current LocalTime .
localtime.transaction()Returns the current LocalTime using the transaction clock.
localtime.statement()Returns the current LocalTime using the statement clock.
localtime.realtime()Returns the current LocalTime using the realtime clock.
localtime({hour [, minute, second, …​]})Returns a LocalTime with the specified component values.
localtime(string)Returns a LocalTime by parsing a string.
localtime({time [, hour, …​]})Returns a LocalTime from a map of another temporal value’s components.
localtime.truncate()Returns a LocalTime obtained by truncating a value at a specific component boundary. Truncation summary.
time()Returns the current Time .
time.transaction()Returns the current Time using the transaction clock.
time.statement()Returns the current Time using the statement clock.
time.realtime()Returns the current Time using the realtime clock.
time({hour [, minute, …​]})Returns a Time with the specified component values.
time(string)Returns a Time by parsing a string.
time({time [, hour, …​, timezone]})Returns a Time from a map of another temporal value’s components.
time.truncate()Returns a Time obtained by truncating a value at a specific component boundary. Truncation summary.

Temporal Functions (Duration)

duration({map})Returns a Duration from a map of its components.
duration(string)Returns a Duration by parsing a string.
duration.between()Returns a Duration equal to the difference between two given instants.
duration.inMonths()Returns a Duration equal to the difference in whole months, quarters or years between two given instants.
duration.inDays()Returns a Duration equal to the difference in whole days or weeks between two given instants.
duration.inSeconds()Returns a Duration equal to the difference in seconds and fractions of seconds, or minutes or hours, between two given instants.

Spacial Functions

distance()Returns a floating point number representing the geodesic distance between any two points in the same CRS.
point() - Cartesian 2DReturns a 2D point object, given two coordinate values in the Cartesian coordinate system.
point() - Cartesian 3DReturns a 3D point object, given three coordinate values in the Cartesian coordinate system.
point() - WGS 84 2DReturns a 2D point object, given two coordinate values in the WGS 84 geographic coordinate system.
point() - WGS 84 3DReturns a 3D point object, given three coordinate values in the WGS 84 geographic coordinate system.

Scalar Functions

coalesce()Returns the first non- null value in a list of expressions.
endNode()Returns the end node of a relationship.
head()Returns the first element in a list.
id()Returns the id of a relationship or node.
last()Returns the last element in a list.
length()Returns the length of a path.
properties()Returns a map containing all the properties of a node or relationship.
randomUUID()Returns a string value corresponding to a randomly-generated UUID.
size()Returns the number of items in a list.
size() applied to pattern expressionReturns the number of sub-graphs matching the pattern expression.
size() applied to stringReturns the number of Unicode characters in a string.
startNode()Returns the start node of a relationship.
timestamp()Returns the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
toBoolean()Converts a string value to a boolean value.
toFloat()Converts an integer or string value to a floating point number.
toInteger()Converts a floating point or string value to an integer value.
type()Returns the string representation of the relationship type.

Mathematical Functions


abs()Returns the absolute value of a number.
ceil()Returns the smallest floating point number that is greater than or equal to a number and equal to a mathematical integer.
floor()Returns the largest floating point number that is less than or equal to a number and equal to a mathematical integer.
rand()Returns a random floating point number in the range from 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive); i.e. [0,1) .
round()Returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer.
sign()Returns the signum of a number: 0 if the number is 0 , -1 for any negative number, and 1 for any positive number.


e()Returns the base of the natural logarithm, e .
exp()Returns e^n , where e is the base of the natural logarithm, and n is the value of the argument expression.
log()Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
log10()Returns the common logarithm (base 10) of a number.
sqrt()Returns the square root of a number.


acos()Returns the arccosine of a number in radians.
asin()Returns the arcsine of a number in radians.
atan()Returns the arctangent of a number in radians.
atan2()Returns the arctangent2 of a set of coordinates in radians.
cos()Returns the cosine of a number.
cot()Returns the cotangent of a number.
degrees()Converts radians to degrees.
haversin()Returns half the versine of a number.
pi()Returns the mathematical constant pi .
radians()Converts degrees to radians.
sin()Returns the sine of a number.
tan()Returns the tangent of a number.

Movie Database Data

The data that is written to our database is the following (see Online Documentation for details):

CREATE (TheMatrix:Movie \{title:'The Matrix', released:1999, tagline:'Welcome to the Real World'\})
CREATE (Keanu:Person \{name:'Keanu Reeves', born:1964\})
CREATE (Carrie:Person \{name:'Carrie-Anne Moss', born:1967\})
CREATE (Laurence:Person \{name:'Laurence Fishburne', born:1961\})
CREATE (Hugo:Person \{name:'Hugo Weaving', born:1960\})
CREATE (LillyW:Person \{name:'Lilly Wachowski', born:1967\})
CREATE (LanaW:Person \{name:'Lana Wachowski', born:1965\})
CREATE (JoelS:Person \{name:'Joel Silver', born:1952\})
(Keanu)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Neo']\}]->(TheMatrix),
(Carrie)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Trinity']\}]->(TheMatrix),
(Laurence)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Morpheus']\}]->(TheMatrix),
(Hugo)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Agent Smith']\}]->(TheMatrix),

CREATE (Emil:Person \{name:"Emil Eifrem", born:1978\})
CREATE (Emil)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:["Emil"]\}]->(TheMatrix)

CREATE (TheMatrixReloaded:Movie \{title:'The Matrix Reloaded', released:2003, tagline:'Free your mind'\})
(Keanu)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Neo']\}]->(TheMatrixReloaded),
(Carrie)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Trinity']\}]->(TheMatrixReloaded),
(Laurence)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Morpheus']\}]->(TheMatrixReloaded),
(Hugo)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Agent Smith']\}]->(TheMatrixReloaded),

CREATE (TheMatrixRevolutions:Movie \{title:'The Matrix Revolutions', released:2003, tagline:'Everything that has a beginning has an end'\})
(Keanu)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Neo']\}]->(TheMatrixRevolutions),
(Carrie)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Trinity']\}]->(TheMatrixRevolutions),
(Laurence)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Morpheus']\}]->(TheMatrixRevolutions),
(Hugo)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Agent Smith']\}]->(TheMatrixRevolutions),

CREATE (TheDevilsAdvocate:Movie \{title:"The Devil's Advocate", released:1997, tagline:'Evil has its winning ways'\})
CREATE (Charlize:Person \{name:'Charlize Theron', born:1975\})
CREATE (Al:Person \{name:'Al Pacino', born:1940\})
CREATE (Taylor:Person \{name:'Taylor Hackford', born:1944\})
(Keanu)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Kevin Lomax']\}]->(TheDevilsAdvocate),
(Charlize)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Mary Ann Lomax']\}]->(TheDevilsAdvocate),
(Al)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['John Milton']\}]->(TheDevilsAdvocate),

CREATE (AFewGoodMen:Movie \{title:"A Few Good Men", released:1992, tagline:"In the heart of the nation's capital, in a courthouse of the U.S. government, one man will stop at nothing to keep his honor, and one will stop at nothing to find the truth."\})
CREATE (TomC:Person \{name:'Tom Cruise', born:1962\})
CREATE (JackN:Person \{name:'Jack Nicholson', born:1937\})
CREATE (DemiM:Person \{name:'Demi Moore', born:1962\})
CREATE (KevinB:Person \{name:'Kevin Bacon', born:1958\})
CREATE (KieferS:Person \{name:'Kiefer Sutherland', born:1966\})
CREATE (NoahW:Person \{name:'Noah Wyle', born:1971\})
CREATE (CubaG:Person \{name:'Cuba Gooding Jr.', born:1968\})
CREATE (KevinP:Person \{name:'Kevin Pollak', born:1957\})
CREATE (JTW:Person \{name:'J.T. Walsh', born:1943\})
CREATE (JamesM:Person \{name:'James Marshall', born:1967\})
CREATE (ChristopherG:Person \{name:'Christopher Guest', born:1948\})
CREATE (RobR:Person \{name:'Rob Reiner', born:1947\})
CREATE (AaronS:Person \{name:'Aaron Sorkin', born:1961\})
(TomC)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Lt. Daniel Kaffee']\}]->(AFewGoodMen),
(JackN)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Col. Nathan R. Jessup']\}]->(AFewGoodMen),
(DemiM)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Lt. Cdr. JoAnne Galloway']\}]->(AFewGoodMen),
(KevinB)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Capt. Jack Ross']\}]->(AFewGoodMen),
(KieferS)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Lt. Jonathan Kendrick']\}]->(AFewGoodMen),
(NoahW)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Cpl. Jeffrey Barnes']\}]->(AFewGoodMen),
(CubaG)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Cpl. Carl Hammaker']\}]->(AFewGoodMen),
(KevinP)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Lt. Sam Weinberg']\}]->(AFewGoodMen),
(JTW)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson']\}]->(AFewGoodMen),
(JamesM)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Pfc. Louden Downey']\}]->(AFewGoodMen),
(ChristopherG)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Dr. Stone']\}]->(AFewGoodMen),
(AaronS)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Man in Bar']\}]->(AFewGoodMen),

CREATE (TopGun:Movie \{title:"Top Gun", released:1986, tagline:'I feel the need, the need for speed.'\})
CREATE (KellyM:Person \{name:'Kelly McGillis', born:1957\})
CREATE (ValK:Person \{name:'Val Kilmer', born:1959\})
CREATE (AnthonyE:Person \{name:'Anthony Edwards', born:1962\})
CREATE (TomS:Person \{name:'Tom Skerritt', born:1933\})
CREATE (MegR:Person \{name:'Meg Ryan', born:1961\})
CREATE (TonyS:Person \{name:'Tony Scott', born:1944\})
CREATE (JimC:Person \{name:'Jim Cash', born:1941\})
(TomC)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Maverick']\}]->(TopGun),
(KellyM)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Charlie']\}]->(TopGun),
(ValK)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Iceman']\}]->(TopGun),
(AnthonyE)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Goose']\}]->(TopGun),
(TomS)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Viper']\}]->(TopGun),
(MegR)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Carole']\}]->(TopGun),

CREATE (JerryMaguire:Movie \{title:'Jerry Maguire', released:2000, tagline:'The rest of his life begins now.'\})
CREATE (ReneeZ:Person \{name:'Renee Zellweger', born:1969\})
CREATE (KellyP:Person \{name:'Kelly Preston', born:1962\})
CREATE (JerryO:Person \{name:"Jerry O'Connell", born:1974\})
CREATE (JayM:Person \{name:'Jay Mohr', born:1970\})
CREATE (BonnieH:Person \{name:'Bonnie Hunt', born:1961\})
CREATE (ReginaK:Person \{name:'Regina King', born:1971\})
CREATE (JonathanL:Person \{name:'Jonathan Lipnicki', born:1996\})
CREATE (CameronC:Person \{name:'Cameron Crowe', born:1957\})
(TomC)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Jerry Maguire']\}]->(JerryMaguire),
(CubaG)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Rod Tidwell']\}]->(JerryMaguire),
(ReneeZ)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Dorothy Boyd']\}]->(JerryMaguire),
(KellyP)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Avery Bishop']\}]->(JerryMaguire),
(JerryO)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Frank Cushman']\}]->(JerryMaguire),
(JayM)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Bob Sugar']\}]->(JerryMaguire),
(BonnieH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Laurel Boyd']\}]->(JerryMaguire),
(ReginaK)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Marcee Tidwell']\}]->(JerryMaguire),
(JonathanL)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Ray Boyd']\}]->(JerryMaguire),

CREATE (StandByMe:Movie \{title:"Stand By Me", released:1986, tagline:"For some, it's the last real taste of innocence, and the first real taste of life. But for everyone, it's the time that memories are made of."\})
CREATE (RiverP:Person \{name:'River Phoenix', born:1970\})
CREATE (CoreyF:Person \{name:'Corey Feldman', born:1971\})
CREATE (WilW:Person \{name:'Wil Wheaton', born:1972\})
CREATE (JohnC:Person \{name:'John Cusack', born:1966\})
CREATE (MarshallB:Person \{name:'Marshall Bell', born:1942\})
(WilW)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Gordie Lachance']\}]->(StandByMe),
(RiverP)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Chris Chambers']\}]->(StandByMe),
(JerryO)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Vern Tessio']\}]->(StandByMe),
(CoreyF)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Teddy Duchamp']\}]->(StandByMe),
(JohnC)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Denny Lachance']\}]->(StandByMe),
(KieferS)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Ace Merrill']\}]->(StandByMe),
(MarshallB)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Mr. Lachance']\}]->(StandByMe),

CREATE (AsGoodAsItGets:Movie \{title:'As Good as It Gets', released:1997, tagline:'A comedy from the heart that goes for the throat.'\})
CREATE (HelenH:Person \{name:'Helen Hunt', born:1963\})
CREATE (GregK:Person \{name:'Greg Kinnear', born:1963\})
CREATE (JamesB:Person \{name:'James L. Brooks', born:1940\})
(JackN)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Melvin Udall']\}]->(AsGoodAsItGets),
(HelenH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Carol Connelly']\}]->(AsGoodAsItGets),
(GregK)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Simon Bishop']\}]->(AsGoodAsItGets),
(CubaG)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Frank Sachs']\}]->(AsGoodAsItGets),

CREATE (WhatDreamsMayCome:Movie \{title:'What Dreams May Come', released:1998, tagline:'After life there is more. The end is just the beginning.'\})
CREATE (AnnabellaS:Person \{name:'Annabella Sciorra', born:1960\})
CREATE (MaxS:Person \{name:'Max von Sydow', born:1929\})
CREATE (WernerH:Person \{name:'Werner Herzog', born:1942\})
CREATE (Robin:Person \{name:'Robin Williams', born:1951\})
CREATE (VincentW:Person \{name:'Vincent Ward', born:1956\})
(Robin)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Chris Nielsen']\}]->(WhatDreamsMayCome),
(CubaG)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Albert Lewis']\}]->(WhatDreamsMayCome),
(AnnabellaS)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Annie Collins-Nielsen']\}]->(WhatDreamsMayCome),
(MaxS)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['The Tracker']\}]->(WhatDreamsMayCome),
(WernerH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['The Face']\}]->(WhatDreamsMayCome),

CREATE (SnowFallingonCedars:Movie \{title:'Snow Falling on Cedars', released:1999, tagline:'First loves last. Forever.'\})
CREATE (EthanH:Person \{name:'Ethan Hawke', born:1970\})
CREATE (RickY:Person \{name:'Rick Yune', born:1971\})
CREATE (JamesC:Person \{name:'James Cromwell', born:1940\})
CREATE (ScottH:Person \{name:'Scott Hicks', born:1953\})
(EthanH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Ishmael Chambers']\}]->(SnowFallingonCedars),
(RickY)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Kazuo Miyamoto']\}]->(SnowFallingonCedars),
(MaxS)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Nels Gudmundsson']\}]->(SnowFallingonCedars),
(JamesC)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Judge Fielding']\}]->(SnowFallingonCedars),

CREATE (YouveGotMail:Movie \{title:"You've Got Mail", released:1998, tagline:'At odds in life... in love on-line.'\})
CREATE (ParkerP:Person \{name:'Parker Posey', born:1968\})
CREATE (DaveC:Person \{name:'Dave Chappelle', born:1973\})
CREATE (SteveZ:Person \{name:'Steve Zahn', born:1967\})
CREATE (TomH:Person \{name:'Tom Hanks', born:1956\})
CREATE (NoraE:Person \{name:'Nora Ephron', born:1941\})
(TomH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Joe Fox']\}]->(YouveGotMail),
(MegR)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Kathleen Kelly']\}]->(YouveGotMail),
(GregK)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Frank Navasky']\}]->(YouveGotMail),
(ParkerP)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Patricia Eden']\}]->(YouveGotMail),
(DaveC)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Kevin Jackson']\}]->(YouveGotMail),
(SteveZ)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['George Pappas']\}]->(YouveGotMail),

CREATE (SleeplessInSeattle:Movie \{title:'Sleepless in Seattle', released:1993, tagline:'What if someone you never met, someone you never saw, someone you never knew was the only someone for you?'\})
CREATE (RitaW:Person \{name:'Rita Wilson', born:1956\})
CREATE (BillPull:Person \{name:'Bill Pullman', born:1953\})
CREATE (VictorG:Person \{name:'Victor Garber', born:1949\})
CREATE (RosieO:Person \{name:"Rosie O'Donnell", born:1962\})
(TomH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Sam Baldwin']\}]->(SleeplessInSeattle),
(MegR)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Annie Reed']\}]->(SleeplessInSeattle),
(RitaW)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Suzy']\}]->(SleeplessInSeattle),
(BillPull)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Walter']\}]->(SleeplessInSeattle),
(VictorG)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Greg']\}]->(SleeplessInSeattle),
(RosieO)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Becky']\}]->(SleeplessInSeattle),

CREATE (JoeVersustheVolcano:Movie \{title:'Joe Versus the Volcano', released:1990, tagline:'A story of love, lava and burning desire.'\})
CREATE (JohnS:Person \{name:'John Patrick Stanley', born:1950\})
CREATE (Nathan:Person \{name:'Nathan Lane', born:1956\})
(TomH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Joe Banks']\}]->(JoeVersustheVolcano),
(MegR)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['DeDe', 'Angelica Graynamore', 'Patricia Graynamore']\}]->(JoeVersustheVolcano),
(Nathan)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Baw']\}]->(JoeVersustheVolcano),

CREATE (WhenHarryMetSally:Movie \{title:'When Harry Met Sally', released:1998, tagline:'Can two friends sleep together and still love each other in the morning?'\})
CREATE (BillyC:Person \{name:'Billy Crystal', born:1948\})
CREATE (CarrieF:Person \{name:'Carrie Fisher', born:1956\})
CREATE (BrunoK:Person \{name:'Bruno Kirby', born:1949\})
(BillyC)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Harry Burns']\}]->(WhenHarryMetSally),
(MegR)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Sally Albright']\}]->(WhenHarryMetSally),
(CarrieF)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Marie']\}]->(WhenHarryMetSally),
(BrunoK)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Jess']\}]->(WhenHarryMetSally),

CREATE (ThatThingYouDo:Movie \{title:'That Thing You Do', released:1996, tagline:'In every life there comes a time when that thing you dream becomes that thing you do'\})
CREATE (LivT:Person \{name:'Liv Tyler', born:1977\})
(TomH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Mr. White']\}]->(ThatThingYouDo),
(LivT)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Faye Dolan']\}]->(ThatThingYouDo),
(Charlize)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Tina']\}]->(ThatThingYouDo),

CREATE (TheReplacements:Movie \{title:'The Replacements', released:2000, tagline:'Pain heals, Chicks dig scars... Glory lasts forever'\})
CREATE (Brooke:Person \{name:'Brooke Langton', born:1970\})
CREATE (Gene:Person \{name:'Gene Hackman', born:1930\})
CREATE (Orlando:Person \{name:'Orlando Jones', born:1968\})
CREATE (Howard:Person \{name:'Howard Deutch', born:1950\})
(Keanu)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Shane Falco']\}]->(TheReplacements),
(Brooke)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Annabelle Farrell']\}]->(TheReplacements),
(Gene)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Jimmy McGinty']\}]->(TheReplacements),
(Orlando)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Clifford Franklin']\}]->(TheReplacements),

CREATE (RescueDawn:Movie \{title:'RescueDawn', released:2006, tagline:"Based on the extraordinary true story of one man's fight for freedom"\})
CREATE (ChristianB:Person \{name:'Christian Bale', born:1974\})
CREATE (ZachG:Person \{name:'Zach Grenier', born:1954\})
(MarshallB)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Admiral']\}]->(RescueDawn),
(ChristianB)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Dieter Dengler']\}]->(RescueDawn),
(ZachG)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Squad Leader']\}]->(RescueDawn),
(SteveZ)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Duane']\}]->(RescueDawn),

CREATE (TheBirdcage:Movie \{title:'The Birdcage', released:1996, tagline:'Come as you are'\})
CREATE (MikeN:Person \{name:'Mike Nichols', born:1931\})
(Robin)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Armand Goldman']\}]->(TheBirdcage),
(Nathan)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Albert Goldman']\}]->(TheBirdcage),
(Gene)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Sen. Kevin Keeley']\}]->(TheBirdcage),

CREATE (Unforgiven:Movie \{title:'Unforgiven', released:1992, tagline:"It's a hell of a thing, killing a man"\})
CREATE (RichardH:Person \{name:'Richard Harris', born:1930\})
CREATE (ClintE:Person \{name:'Clint Eastwood', born:1930\})
(RichardH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['English Bob']\}]->(Unforgiven),
(ClintE)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Bill Munny']\}]->(Unforgiven),
(Gene)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Little Bill Daggett']\}]->(Unforgiven),

CREATE (JohnnyMnemonic:Movie \{title:'Johnny Mnemonic', released:1995, tagline:'The hottest data on earth. In the coolest head in town'\})
CREATE (Takeshi:Person \{name:'Takeshi Kitano', born:1947\})
CREATE (Dina:Person \{name:'Dina Meyer', born:1968\})
CREATE (IceT:Person \{name:'Ice-T', born:1958\})
CREATE (RobertL:Person \{name:'Robert Longo', born:1953\})
(Keanu)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Johnny Mnemonic']\}]->(JohnnyMnemonic),
(Takeshi)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Takahashi']\}]->(JohnnyMnemonic),
(Dina)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Jane']\}]->(JohnnyMnemonic),
(IceT)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['J-Bone']\}]->(JohnnyMnemonic),

CREATE (CloudAtlas:Movie \{title:'Cloud Atlas', released:2012, tagline:'Everything is connected'\})
CREATE (HalleB:Person \{name:'Halle Berry', born:1966\})
CREATE (JimB:Person \{name:'Jim Broadbent', born:1949\})
CREATE (TomT:Person \{name:'Tom Tykwer', born:1965\})
CREATE (DavidMitchell:Person \{name:'David Mitchell', born:1969\})
CREATE (StefanArndt:Person \{name:'Stefan Arndt', born:1961\})
(TomH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Zachry', 'Dr. Henry Goose', 'Isaac Sachs', 'Dermot Hoggins']\}]->(CloudAtlas),
(Hugo)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Bill Smoke', 'Haskell Moore', 'Tadeusz Kesselring', 'Nurse Noakes', 'Boardman Mephi', 'Old Georgie']\}]->(CloudAtlas),
(HalleB)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Luisa Rey', 'Jocasta Ayrs', 'Ovid', 'Meronym']\}]->(CloudAtlas),
(JimB)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Vyvyan Ayrs', 'Captain Molyneux', 'Timothy Cavendish']\}]->(CloudAtlas),

CREATE (TheDaVinciCode:Movie \{title:'The Da Vinci Code', released:2006, tagline:'Break The Codes'\})
CREATE (IanM:Person \{name:'Ian McKellen', born:1939\})
CREATE (AudreyT:Person \{name:'Audrey Tautou', born:1976\})
CREATE (PaulB:Person \{name:'Paul Bettany', born:1971\})
CREATE (RonH:Person \{name:'Ron Howard', born:1954\})
(TomH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Dr. Robert Langdon']\}]->(TheDaVinciCode),
(IanM)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Sir Leight Teabing']\}]->(TheDaVinciCode),
(AudreyT)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Sophie Neveu']\}]->(TheDaVinciCode),
(PaulB)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Silas']\}]->(TheDaVinciCode),

CREATE (VforVendetta:Movie \{title:'V for Vendetta', released:2006, tagline:'Freedom! Forever!'\})
CREATE (NatalieP:Person \{name:'Natalie Portman', born:1981\})
CREATE (StephenR:Person \{name:'Stephen Rea', born:1946\})
CREATE (JohnH:Person \{name:'John Hurt', born:1940\})
CREATE (BenM:Person \{name: 'Ben Miles', born:1967\})
(Hugo)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['V']\}]->(VforVendetta),
(NatalieP)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Evey Hammond']\}]->(VforVendetta),
(StephenR)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Eric Finch']\}]->(VforVendetta),
(JohnH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['High Chancellor Adam Sutler']\}]->(VforVendetta),
(BenM)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Dascomb']\}]->(VforVendetta),

CREATE (SpeedRacer:Movie \{title:'Speed Racer', released:2008, tagline:'Speed has no limits'\})
CREATE (EmileH:Person \{name:'Emile Hirsch', born:1985\})
CREATE (JohnG:Person \{name:'John Goodman', born:1960\})
CREATE (SusanS:Person \{name:'Susan Sarandon', born:1946\})
CREATE (MatthewF:Person \{name:'Matthew Fox', born:1966\})
CREATE (ChristinaR:Person \{name:'Christina Ricci', born:1980\})
CREATE (Rain:Person \{name:'Rain', born:1982\})
(EmileH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Speed Racer']\}]->(SpeedRacer),
(JohnG)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Pops']\}]->(SpeedRacer),
(SusanS)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Mom']\}]->(SpeedRacer),
(MatthewF)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Racer X']\}]->(SpeedRacer),
(ChristinaR)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Trixie']\}]->(SpeedRacer),
(Rain)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Taejo Togokahn']\}]->(SpeedRacer),
(BenM)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Cass Jones']\}]->(SpeedRacer),

CREATE (NinjaAssassin:Movie \{title:'Ninja Assassin', released:2009, tagline:'Prepare to enter a secret world of assassins'\})
CREATE (NaomieH:Person \{name:'Naomie Harris'\})
(Rain)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Raizo']\}]->(NinjaAssassin),
(NaomieH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Mika Coretti']\}]->(NinjaAssassin),
(RickY)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Takeshi']\}]->(NinjaAssassin),
(BenM)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Ryan Maslow']\}]->(NinjaAssassin),

CREATE (TheGreenMile:Movie \{title:'The Green Mile', released:1999, tagline:"Walk a mile you'll never forget."\})
CREATE (MichaelD:Person \{name:'Michael Clarke Duncan', born:1957\})
CREATE (DavidM:Person \{name:'David Morse', born:1953\})
CREATE (SamR:Person \{name:'Sam Rockwell', born:1968\})
CREATE (GaryS:Person \{name:'Gary Sinise', born:1955\})
CREATE (PatriciaC:Person \{name:'Patricia Clarkson', born:1959\})
CREATE (FrankD:Person \{name:'Frank Darabont', born:1959\})
(TomH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Paul Edgecomb']\}]->(TheGreenMile),
(MichaelD)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['John Coffey']\}]->(TheGreenMile),
(DavidM)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Brutus "Brutal" Howell']\}]->(TheGreenMile),
(BonnieH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Jan Edgecomb']\}]->(TheGreenMile),
(JamesC)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Warden Hal Moores']\}]->(TheGreenMile),
(SamR)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['"Wild Bill" Wharton']\}]->(TheGreenMile),
(GaryS)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Burt Hammersmith']\}]->(TheGreenMile),
(PatriciaC)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Melinda Moores']\}]->(TheGreenMile),

CREATE (FrostNixon:Movie \{title:'Frost/Nixon', released:2008, tagline:'400 million people were waiting for the truth.'\})
CREATE (FrankL:Person \{name:'Frank Langella', born:1938\})
CREATE (MichaelS:Person \{name:'Michael Sheen', born:1969\})
CREATE (OliverP:Person \{name:'Oliver Platt', born:1960\})
(FrankL)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Richard Nixon']\}]->(FrostNixon),
(MichaelS)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['David Frost']\}]->(FrostNixon),
(KevinB)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Jack Brennan']\}]->(FrostNixon),
(OliverP)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Bob Zelnick']\}]->(FrostNixon),
(SamR)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['James Reston, Jr.']\}]->(FrostNixon),

CREATE (Hoffa:Movie \{title:'Hoffa', released:1992, tagline:"He didn't want law. He wanted justice."\})
CREATE (DannyD:Person \{name:'Danny DeVito', born:1944\})
CREATE (JohnR:Person \{name:'John C. Reilly', born:1965\})
(JackN)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Hoffa']\}]->(Hoffa),
(DannyD)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Robert "Bobby" Ciaro']\}]->(Hoffa),
(JTW)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Frank Fitzsimmons']\}]->(Hoffa),
(JohnR)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Peter "Pete" Connelly']\}]->(Hoffa),

CREATE (Apollo13:Movie \{title:'Apollo 13', released:1995, tagline:'Houston, we have a problem.'\})
CREATE (EdH:Person \{name:'Ed Harris', born:1950\})
CREATE (BillPax:Person \{name:'Bill Paxton', born:1955\})
(TomH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Jim Lovell']\}]->(Apollo13),
(KevinB)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Jack Swigert']\}]->(Apollo13),
(EdH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Gene Kranz']\}]->(Apollo13),
(BillPax)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Fred Haise']\}]->(Apollo13),
(GaryS)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Ken Mattingly']\}]->(Apollo13),

CREATE (Twister:Movie \{title:'Twister', released:1996, tagline:"Don't Breathe. Don't Look Back."\})
CREATE (PhilipH:Person \{name:'Philip Seymour Hoffman', born:1967\})
CREATE (JanB:Person \{name:'Jan de Bont', born:1943\})
(BillPax)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Bill Harding']\}]->(Twister),
(HelenH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Dr. Jo Harding']\}]->(Twister),
(ZachG)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Eddie']\}]->(Twister),
(PhilipH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Dustin "Dusty" Davis']\}]->(Twister),

CREATE (CastAway:Movie \{title:'Cast Away', released:2000, tagline:'At the edge of the world, his journey begins.'\})
CREATE (RobertZ:Person \{name:'Robert Zemeckis', born:1951\})
(TomH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Chuck Noland']\}]->(CastAway),
(HelenH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Kelly Frears']\}]->(CastAway),

CREATE (OneFlewOvertheCuckoosNest:Movie \{title:"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", released:1975, tagline:"If he's crazy, what does that make you?"\})
CREATE (MilosF:Person \{name:'Milos Forman', born:1932\})
(JackN)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Randle McMurphy']\}]->(OneFlewOvertheCuckoosNest),
(DannyD)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Martini']\}]->(OneFlewOvertheCuckoosNest),

CREATE (SomethingsGottaGive:Movie \{title:"Something's Gotta Give", released:2003\})
CREATE (DianeK:Person \{name:'Diane Keaton', born:1946\})
CREATE (NancyM:Person \{name:'Nancy Meyers', born:1949\})
(JackN)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Harry Sanborn']\}]->(SomethingsGottaGive),
(DianeK)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Erica Barry']\}]->(SomethingsGottaGive),
(Keanu)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Julian Mercer']\}]->(SomethingsGottaGive),

CREATE (BicentennialMan:Movie \{title:'Bicentennial Man', released:1999, tagline:"One robot's 200 year journey to become an ordinary man."\})
CREATE (ChrisC:Person \{name:'Chris Columbus', born:1958\})
(Robin)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Andrew Marin']\}]->(BicentennialMan),
(OliverP)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Rupert Burns']\}]->(BicentennialMan),

CREATE (CharlieWilsonsWar:Movie \{title:"Charlie Wilson's War", released:2007, tagline:"A stiff drink. A little mascara. A lot of nerve. Who said they couldn't bring down the Soviet empire."\})
CREATE (JuliaR:Person \{name:'Julia Roberts', born:1967\})
(TomH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Rep. Charlie Wilson']\}]->(CharlieWilsonsWar),
(JuliaR)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Joanne Herring']\}]->(CharlieWilsonsWar),
(PhilipH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Gust Avrakotos']\}]->(CharlieWilsonsWar),

CREATE (ThePolarExpress:Movie \{title:'The Polar Express', released:2004, tagline:'This Holiday Season… Believe'\})
(TomH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Hero Boy', 'Father', 'Conductor', 'Hobo', 'Scrooge', 'Santa Claus']\}]->(ThePolarExpress),

CREATE (ALeagueofTheirOwn:Movie \{title:'A League of Their Own', released:1992, tagline:'Once in a lifetime you get a chance to do something different.'\})
CREATE (Madonna:Person \{name:'Madonna', born:1954\})
CREATE (GeenaD:Person \{name:'Geena Davis', born:1956\})
CREATE (LoriP:Person \{name:'Lori Petty', born:1963\})
CREATE (PennyM:Person \{name:'Penny Marshall', born:1943\})
(TomH)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Jimmy Dugan']\}]->(ALeagueofTheirOwn),
(GeenaD)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Dottie Hinson']\}]->(ALeagueofTheirOwn),
(LoriP)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Kit Keller']\}]->(ALeagueofTheirOwn),
(RosieO)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Doris Murphy']\}]->(ALeagueofTheirOwn),
(Madonna)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['"All the Way" Mae Mordabito']\}]->(ALeagueofTheirOwn),
(BillPax)-[:ACTED_IN \{roles:['Bob Hinson']\}]->(ALeagueofTheirOwn),

CREATE (PaulBlythe:Person \{name:'Paul Blythe'\})
CREATE (AngelaScope:Person \{name:'Angela Scope'\})
CREATE (JessicaThompson:Person \{name:'Jessica Thompson'\})
CREATE (JamesThompson:Person \{name:'James Thompson'\})


(JessicaThompson)-[:REVIEWED \{summary:'An amazing journey', rating:95\}]->(CloudAtlas),
(JessicaThompson)-[:REVIEWED \{summary:'Silly, but fun', rating:65\}]->(TheReplacements),
(JamesThompson)-[:REVIEWED \{summary:'The coolest football movie ever', rating:100\}]->(TheReplacements),
(AngelaScope)-[:REVIEWED \{summary:'Pretty funny at times', rating:62\}]->(TheReplacements),
(JessicaThompson)-[:REVIEWED \{summary:'Dark, but compelling', rating:85\}]->(Unforgiven),
(JessicaThompson)-[:REVIEWED \{summary:"Slapstick redeemed only by the Robin Williams and Gene Hackman's stellar performances", rating:45\}]->(TheBirdcage),
(JessicaThompson)-[:REVIEWED \{summary:'A solid romp', rating:68\}]->(TheDaVinciCode),
(JamesThompson)-[:REVIEWED \{summary:'Fun, but a little far fetched', rating:65\}]->(TheDaVinciCode),
(JessicaThompson)-[:REVIEWED \{summary:'You had me at Jerry', rating:92\}]->(JerryMaguire)

WITH TomH as a
MATCH (a)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)<-[:DIRECTED]-(d) RETURN a,m,d LIMIT 10;