📄️ OpenCV & SciPy and Scikit Image Cheat Sheet
Is Scikit Image an alternative for openCV and pillow?
📄️ Introduction to Scikit-Image
Is Scikit Image an alternative for openCV and pillow?
📄️ Supervised Learning with Scikit-Learn
Telco Customer Churn Cohort Study
📄️ SciKit-Learn Cheat Sheet
List of common SkLearn functions for Data Scientists
📄️ Python Asserts in Data Science Cheat Sheet
Using Assert Statements to ensure Dataset Cleanliness
📄️ FiveThirtyEight Fandango Dataset
Whose ratings should you trust? IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, or Fandango?
📄️ Seaborn to Explore the CC Churn Dataset
Using Python Pandas and Seaborn Visualizations to explore the Credit Card Customer Churn Prediction Dataset
📄️ Plotly & Seaborn to Explore Text Dataset
Using Python Plotly and Seaborn Visualizations to explore the Women's E-Commerce Clothing Reviews Dataset
📄️ Seaborn Titanic Dataset Exploration
Using Python Seaborn Visualizations to explore the Titanic Dataset
📄️ Plotly COVID19 Dataset Exploration
Using Python Plotly Visualizations to explore a COVID19 Dataset
📄️ Seaborn Cheat Sheet 2023
Common Python Seaborn Operations
📄️ A little bit of SciPy...
A quick introduction to Scientific Python
📄️ Matplotlib Pyplot Cheat Sheet 2023
Common Python Matplotlib Operations
📄️ Pandas Cheat Sheet 2023
Common Python Pandas Operations
📄️ Python 3.11 New Features
Error Messages and Customized Exception Notes
📄️ Pipenv - Welcome NPM
Python Dev Workflow for Humans
📄️ Python - Natural Language Processing
Python Natural Language Toolkit - Stemming, Similarity, Sentiment Examples
📄️ Python - Build a REST API
Using Flask to deploy an JSON REST API.
📄️ Python - Working with the Elasticsearch REST API
Run OpenSearch search queries and process the JSON response.
📄️ Python - Working with REST API Requests
Retrieve information from JSON web APIs and process them.
📄️ Python - RE
Using Regular Expressions with Python.
📄️ Python - The Filesystem
Using Python to manipulate your Filesystem.
📄️ Python - Flask Frontend to generate Elasticsearch Docs from Sitemaps
Use Flask to build a web frontend for your Python App.
📄️ Python - PyQt Desktop App
Using PyQt6 to build desktop app with Python.
📄️ Python - Deploying a Web App with Flask
Use Flask to build a web frontend for your Python App.
📄️ Python - Build an Elasticsearch Index for your Docusaurus Blog
I was able to bring both together by pulling text from an URL, process the content and write it into an Elasticsearch JSON Document. Now I want to automate this process a little by using a pages sitemap.
📄️ Python - Minify Text for Elasticsearch
Use Python to create an Elasticsearch index file.
📄️ Python - Text Processing with
Processing text using Python
📄️ Python - Video Processing with OpenCV
Sham Sui Po, Hong Kong
📄️ Web Scraping Essentials with Python
Sham Sui Po, Hong Kong
📄️ Introduction to PyScript
Shen Zhen, China
📄️ Getting started with Python Part II
Port Vila, Vanuatu
📄️ Getting started with Python
Port Vila, Vanuatu
📄️ Python Network Logger
Harbin, China