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Gatsby Build Gitlab CI Pipeline

Guangzhou, China

Continuation from NGINX Docker Ingress for your Gatsby Build

I now have a Gatsby webpage that I build locally. Wrap it inside a GoFiber Web Container. I then uploaded this container to my server and provided an NGINX Ingress container to handle the SSL certificate and direct web traffic to my web site.

Now I want to use Gitlab to do the hard work for me with Gitlab CI/CD Pipelines. I want to be able to upload my Gatsby source code to Gitlab and have it run the build for me. Afterwards it should trigger a second job that takes the Build Artifacts, wraps them inside the GoFiber Webserver Container and uploads the container into the Gitlab Docker Registry.

Adding a CI/CD Build Pipeline

After you Installed Gitlab you can add your Gatsby project to your account. After adding a .gitignore file to the root directory:

# Dependency directories

# Optional npm cache directory

# Optional eslint cache

# dotenv environment variables file

# gatsby files

# System files

Additionally, we need a .gitlab-ci.yml file that holds our instructions for the CI Pipline:

image: node:latest

- node_modules/
- .cache/
- public/

- build
- deploy

stage: build
- npm install
- npm run pre-build
- ./node_modules/.bin/gatsby build --prefix-paths
expire_in: 1 days
- public
- master
tags: [build]

stage: deploy
- curl --request POST --form "token=mysecrettoken" --form ref=master

The Containerize step above is a Pipeline Trigger - see "Setting a Pipline Tigger". This will take the Build Artifacts from the Gatsby build and build the GoFiber Container around it - Dockerfile:

# Building the binary of the App
FROM golang:1.16 AS build

# Project labels
LABEL maintainer=""

# `wiki` should be replaced with your project name
WORKDIR /go/src/wiki

# Copy in the build artifacts from the Gatsby static build to add it to your GoFiber container
COPY . .
RUN curl -L --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: myprivatetoken" "" >> ./temp/
RUN apt update && apt install -y unzip && unzip -qq ./temp/ -d ./static

# Downloads all the dependencies in advance (could be left out, but it's more clear this way)
RUN go mod download

# Builds the application as a staticly linked one, to allow it to run on alpine
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o app .

# Moving the binary to the 'final Image' to make it smaller
FROM alpine:latest


# Create the `public` dir and copy all the assets into it
RUN mkdir ./static
COPY --from=build /go/src/wiki/static ./static

# `wiki` should be replaced here as well
COPY --from=build /go/src/wiki/app .

# Exposes port 9999 because our program listens on that port

# CMD ["./app"]
RUN chmod +x ./static/
CMD ["ash", "./static/"]

The last step in the Dockerfile above triggers a shell script that I added to the static folder of the project. It simply executes the compiled Fiber app for me - as I had difficulties to get it to run otherwise.
