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Working with SQL Dumps

Harbin, China

Exporting/Importing SQL files

mysqldump -u username -p database_name > file.sql
mysql -u username -p database_name < file.sql

MySQL Docker Container

We can start the MySQL database on our system using Docker. Download the MySQL Container by typing docker pull mysql into your Terminal / Powershell. To start the container run the following commands:

docker volume create crv_mysql

docker run \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw \
-e MYSQL_USER=dbuser \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=dbpassword \
--mount type=volume,src=crv_mysql,dst=/var/lib/mysql \
-p 3306:3306 \
-d \

This will create a volume to store your data in /var/lib/mysql and also create a non-root user and a database that can be accessed with this user. If you just need a quick look at an SQL dump, simplify this command to:

docker run \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=dbpassword \
-p 3306:3306 \
-d \

You can no connect to the database with root and dbpassword on


Under Windows we can use HeidiSQL to work with our database. Once you downloaded and installed the software connect the software with the database service:


Now right-click to add a new database. Once created select the database and click on the folder icon to add your SQL file:

