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Mustang, Nepal

Basic Setup

If This Then That, also known as IFTTT is a free web-based service to create chains of simple conditional statements, called applets. Build your own applets to connect web services with your INSTAR IP Camera.


  1. First you need to create an account on IFTTT and login to your account. Then go to the Create and click on IF + This:

IFTTT for INSTAR Alarmserver

  1. We now want to set up the Date & Time service to send scheduled commands to our camera. Search for date and select the Date & Time:

IFTTT for INSTAR Alarmserver

  1. We want to automate a daily camera function, for this we have to choose Every day at as a trigger for our applet.

IFTTT for INSTAR Alarmserver

  1. For example we set the trigger to every day at 6am:

IFTTT for INSTAR Alarmserver

  1. Now we can add an action that is triggered by our schedule:

IFTTT for INSTAR Alarmserver

  1. We now want to add a webhook service - which is basically a service that contacts a web address when triggered. That address will be the INSTAR DDNS address of our INSTAR Full HD camera and carry a CGI Command to activate/deactivate functions on our camera. (Note that the camera has to be available via the internet for this to work - this means you will have to set up a port forwarding rule inside your router).

Search for web and select the Webhooks Service:

IFTTT for INSTAR Alarmserver

  1. We now need to add our cameras DDNS address, e.g. with the https:// prefix followed by the HTTPS Port (that has to be forwarded inside your router), e.g. 8081.

IFTTT for INSTAR Alarmserver

We now want that our camera moves to the Preset Position 1 when our applet is triggered. The CGI Command to do this is /param.cgi?cmd=preset&-act=goto&-number=0 followed by your camera login &-usr=admin&-pwd=instar.

Save your settings and you are done.

IFTTT for INSTAR Alarmserver