For more information about podman, visit the Red Hat Developer website. This cheat sheet was written by Doug Tidwell, with huge thanks to Dan Walsh and Scott McCarty.
In the following container
is either a container name or a container ID. If tag
is omitted in image:tag , the default value is latest.
Finding Images
Command | Description |
podman images | List all local images |
podman history image:tag | Display information about how an image was built |
podman login registryURL -u username [-p password] | Log in to a remote registry |
podman pull registry/username/image:tag | Pull an image from a remote registry |
podman search searchString | Search local cache and remote registries for images |
podman logout | Log out of the current remote registry |
The list of registries is defined in /etc/containers/registries.conf
Building Images
Command | Description |
podman build -t image:tag . | Build and tag an image using the instructions in Docker?le in the |
current directory | |
podman build -t image:tag -f Dockerfile2 | Same as above, but with a di?erent Docker?le |
podman tag image:tag image:tag2 | Add an additional name to a local image |
podman tag image:tag registry/username/image:tag | Same as above, but the additional name includes a remote registry |
podman push registry/username/image:tag | Push an image to a remote registry |
Running Containers on Images
Command | Description |
podman run --rm -it [--name name] image:tag command | Run a container based on a given image. |
Remove the container after it exits
Connect the container to the terminal
name Give the container a name
The image used to create the container
A command to run (/bin/bash for example)
Run the container in the background
-p 8080:32000
Expose container port 8080 as localhost:32000
-v /var/lib/mydb:/var/lib/db
Map the /var/lib/mydb directory on localhost to a volume named /var/lib/db inside the container
Command | Description |
podman commit container newImage:tag | Create a new image based on the current state of a running container |
podman create [--name name] image:tag | Create (but don’t start) a container from an image |
podman start container | Start an existing container from an image |
podman restart container | Restart an existing container |
podman wait container1 [container2… ] | Wait on one or more containers to stop |
podman stop container | Stop a running container gracefully |
podman kill container | Send a signal to a running container |
podman rm [-f] container | Remove a container (use -f if the container is running) |
podman stats container | Display a live stream of a container’s resource usage |
podman inspect container | Return metadata (in JSON) about a running container |
Working with Container Processes
Command | Description |
podman ps [--all] | List the running containers on the system (use --all to include non- |
running containers) | |
podman attach container | Attach to a running container and view its output or control it |
- detaches from the container but leaves it running. |
| podman exec container command | Execute a command in a running container |
| podman top container | Display the running processes of a container |
| podman logs [-tail] container | Display the logs of a container |
| podman pause container / podman unpause container | Pause/unpause all the processes in a container |
| podman port container | List the port mappings from a container to localhost |
Working with the Container Filesystem
Command | Description |
podman diff container | Display all the changes to a container’s ?lesystem |
podman cp source target | Copy ?les and folders between a container and localhost |
podman mount container / podman umount container | Mount or unmount a container’s root ?lesystem |
podman import tarball | Import a tarball and save it as a ?lesystem image |
podman export [-o outputFile] container | Export the container’s ?lesystem to a tar ?le |
podman save [-o archiveFile] [--format docker-archive | oci-archive |
podman load -i archiveFile | Load a saved image from docker-archive or another format |
Removing Images
Command | Description |
podman rmi [-f] image:tag | Remove a local image from local cache (use -f to force removal) |
podman rmi [-f] registry/username/image:tag | Remove a remote image from local cache (use -f to force removal) |
Command | Description |
podman version | Display podman version information |
podman info | Display information about the podman environment |