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Node-RED on Android

Shenzhen, China

Termux now allows you to install Node-RED directly on your Android phone or tablet - turning it into the a powerful smarthome gateway.

INSTAR MQTT on Android

Start by installing Termux on your Android device and start the app. Make sure that everything is up-to-date by running apt update && apt upgrade.

INSTAR MQTT on Android

Node-RED runs in Node.js which we can now install on our Android device by running the following command: apt install coreutils nano nodejs.

INSTAR MQTT on Android

Now with Node.js in place we can install Node-RED with the following command: npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red.

INSTAR MQTT on Android

You can start up Node-RED by typing node-red.

INSTAR MQTT on Android

Now start your default Android web browser and open http://localhost:1880 to access the Node-RED interface.