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INSTAR go2rtc for Home Assistant

Siem Reap, Cambodia


  • Docker Hub
    • alexxit/go2rtc:latest: Latest release based on alpine (amd64, 386, arm, arm64) with support hardware transcoding for Intel iGPU and Raspberry
    • alexxit/go2rtc:master: Latest unstable version based on alpine
    • alexxit/go2rtc:master-hardware: Latest unstable version based on debian 12 (amd64) with support hardware transcoding for Intel iGPU, AMD GPU and NVidia GPU
docker pull alexxit/go2rtc:master-hardware


image: alexxit/go2rtc:master-hardware
network_mode: host # important for WebRTC, HomeKit, UDP cameras
privileged: true # only for FFmpeg hardware transcoding
restart: unless-stopped # autorestart on fail or config change from WebUI
- TZ=Asia/Hong_Kong # timezone in logs
- "~/go2rtc:/config" # folder for go2rtc.yaml file (edit from WebUI)

Open web interface: http://localhost:1984/:


- rtsp://admin:instar@
- rtsp://admin:instar@
- rtsp://admin:instar@
- rtsp://admin:instar@
- rtsp://admin:instar@
- rtsp://admin:instar@
- ffmpeg:rstp://admin:instar@
- ffmpeg:rstp://admin:instar@
- ffmpeg:rstp://admin:instar@
- ffmpeg:rstp://admin:instar@
- ffmpeg:rstp://admin:instar@
- ffmpeg:rstp://admin:instar@


Any codec in source

  • stream.html with auto-select mode / browsers: all / codecs: H264, H265*, MJPEG, JPEG, AAC, PCMU, PCMA, OPUS
  • rtsp rtsp with only one video and one audio / codecs: any
  • rtsp for MP4 recording (Hass or Frigate) / codecs: H264, H265, AAC
  • rtsp with all tracks / codecs: any ffplay -fflags nobuffer -flags low_delay -rtsp_transport tcp "rtsp://"

H264/H265 source

  • stream.html WebRTC stream / browsers: all / codecs: H264, PCMU, PCMA, OPUS / +H265 in Safari
  • stream.html MSE stream / browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari Mac/iPad / codecs: H264, H265*, AAC, PCMA*, PCMU*, PCM* / +OPUS in Chrome and Firefox
  • stream.mp4 legacy MP4 stream with AAC audio / browsers: Chrome, Firefox / codecs: H264, H265*, AAC
  • stream.mp4 modern MP4 stream with common audio / browsers: Chrome, Firefox / codecs: H264, H265*, AAC, FLAC (PCMA, PCMU, PCM)
  • stream.mp4 MP4 stream with any audio / browsers: Chrome / codecs: H264, H265*, AAC, OPUS, MP3, FLAC (PCMA, PCMU, PCM)
  • frame.mp4 snapshot in MP4-format / browsers: all / codecs: H264, H265*
  • stream.m3u8 legacy HLS/TS / browsers: Safari all, Chrome Android / codecs: H264
  • stream.m3u8 legacy HLS/fMP4 / browsers: Safari all, Chrome Android / codecs: H264, H265*, AAC
  • stream.m3u8 modern HLS/fMP4 / browsers: Safari all, Chrome Android / codecs: H264, H265*, AAC, FLAC (PCMA, PCMU, PCM)

MJPEG source

  • stream.html with MJPEG mode / browsers: all / codecs: MJPEG, JPEG
  • stream.mjpeg MJPEG stream / browsers: all / codecs: MJPEG, JPEG
  • frame.jpeg snapshot in JPEG-format / browsers: all / codecs: MJPEG, JPEG


url "rtsp://admin:instar@"
url "rtsp://admin:instar@"
url "rtsp://admin:instar@"
consumers []

go2rtc for Home Assistant

Home Assistant

Docker Setup

Run Home Assistant in Docker

RTSPtoWebRTC: Home Assistant Integration (deprecated)

I was not able to get this to work. Use WebRTC Camera Integration instead.

Go to the Integrations page, select an instance of RTSPtoWebRTC and point it towards the API URL of the go2rtc container, e.g http://localhost:1984:

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb

Now we can add our camera's live stream to Home Assistant through the RTSPtoWebRTC integration. The RTSPtoWeb integration registers with camera integration to provide WebRTC live streams for any RTSP camera.

So make sure that you have your cameras already added, e.g. as Generic Cameras:

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb

The RTSPtoWebRTC integration will now use RTSPtoWeb to receive the WebRTC stream from your generic camera's RTSP Stream:

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb

But switching to my dashboard I see an error message:

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb

go2rtc_1  | 13:11:10.652 WRN > error="streams: codecs not matched: H264, AAC => VP8, RTX, VP9, OPUS, G722, PCMU, PCMA, TELEPHONE-EVENT, S16B, S16L"
go2rtc_1 | 13:11:10.657 WRN > error="streams: codecs not matched: H264, AAC => VP8, RTX, VP9, OPUS, G722, PCMU, PCMA, TELEPHONE-EVENT, S16B, S16L"

WebRTC Camera: Home Assistant Integration

Start by installing the WebRTC Camera Add-on:

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb

Restart Home Assistant and you should now be able to add the WebRTC Camera Integration:

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb

Here you can add the API URL from your go2rtc container:

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb

Edit your dashboard and add a Custom: WebRTC Camera card with one of the following configurations:

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb

type: 'custom:webrtc-camera'
url: 'rtsp://rtsp:12345678@'


type: 'custom:webrtc-camera'
url: 'camera1' # stream name from go2rtc.yaml


type: 'custom:webrtc-camera'
entity: camera.generic_stream # change to your camera entity_id

Since I already added cameras to go2RTC I will simply use the ID that I assigned to them there:

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb

To verify that it is working you can check the go2RTC dashboard to check if the camera now list one online stream consumer:

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb

And your cameras are now running via the MSE stream:

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb


You can use the stream.html (e.g. stream provided in the go2rtc web interface:

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb

Use an iFrame Widget to add the stream to your vis dashboard:

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb


And the same also works in Node-RED using iFrame UI Node:

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb

Home Assistant with RTSPtoWeb