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Zabbix <3 Zimbra

Sydney, Australia

Zimbra Template

Download the Zimbra Template for Zabbix version 6.0.

In the ConfigurationTemplates section users can configure and maintain templates. Click on Import to load the template YAML file:

Zabbix for Zimbra

Zabbix for Zimbra


Prepare the Zimbra server, by adding the following line to the ROOT CRONTAB. This will put the output of the zmcontrol_status on a file in /tmp. It will run every 3 min:

crontab -u root -e
*/3 * * * * sudo -u zimbra /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcontrol status > /tmp/zmcontrol_status

This will generate the following file:

cat /tmp/zmcontrol_status
amavis Running
antispam Running
antivirus Running
ldap Running
logger Running
mailbox Running
memcached Running
mta Running
opendkim Running
proxy Running
service webapp Running
snmp Running
spell Running
stats Running
zimbra webapp Running
zimbraAdmin webapp Running
zimlet webapp Running
zmconfigd Running

Zabbix Agent

Add the following UserParameter to the zabbix_agentd.conf file, or the zabbix_agentd.d folder:

nano /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/zimbra_template.conf
# Zimbra Monitor Template
UserParameter=zimbra.amavis.status,awk '/amavis/{print $2}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.antispam.status,awk '/antispam/{print $2}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.antivirus.status,awk '/antivirus/{print $2}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.mailbox.status,awk '/mailbox/{print $2}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.mta.status,awk '/mta/{print $2}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.zmconfigd.status,awk '/zmconfigd/{print $2}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.webmail.status,awk '/service webapp/{print $3}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.webadm.status,awk '/zimbraAdmin/{print $3}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.proxy.status,awk '/proxy/{print $2}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status

Zabbix Agent 2

The version 2 configuration file does not use this directory. But it imports conf files from:


So I am placing the Zimbra Template configuration there:

nano zabbix_agent2.d/plugins.d/zimbra_template.conf

And restart the agent with:

service zabbix-agent2 restart
service zabbix-agent2 status

Configure the Server

Now we can configure our server to use the Zimbra template:

Zabbix for Zimbra

Wait a while and verify the latest data received from your server. Note: the template maps RUNNING with the value 0. So seeing zeros is here a good thing:

Zabbix for Zimbra