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Carbon Design System in React.js - Part II

Guangzhou, China

Github Repository

Continuation of Part I - Using the IBM Carbon Design System in a React App.

Carbon Design System

IE11 Polyfills

Not sure if IE11 is still a thing, but some Carbon components require IE11 polyfills. I am going to install core-js and add these imports to the top of the root src/index.js:

npm install --save-dev core-js
import 'core-js/modules/es7.array.includes';
import 'core-js/modules/es6.array.fill';
import 'core-js/modules/es6.string.includes';
import 'core-js/modules/es6.string.trim';
import 'core-js/modules/es7.object.values';

Install Grid

In our last step we added our styles, component and icon packages. Now that we’re building the pages with grid, we need to install one more Carbon package:

npm install @carbon/grid@10.17.0

In src/index.scss, we need to configure our grid to use 16 columns instead of the default 12 columns. The feature flag needs to come before the Carbon styles.scss import:

$feature-flags: (
  grid-columns-16: true,

Add Landing Page Grid

Let’s add our grid elements to src/content/LandingPage/LandingPage.js.

In order to use the grid, we need to wrap everything in a <div className="bx--grid">. I can continue to make rows by adding a <div className="bx--row"> inside the grid, as well as make columns within those rows by adding <div className="bx--col-[breakpoint]-[size]">.

Our column sizes are specified by the number of columns they’ll be spanning. If we use bx--col-lg-4, it means it’ll span 4 of the 16 columns. If we use bx--col-lg-8 it means it’ll span 8 of the 16 columns, and so on.

return (
  <div className="bx--grid bx--grid--full-width landing-page">
    <div className="bx--row landing-page__banner">
      <div className="bx--col-lg-16">1</div>
    <div className="bx--row landing-page__r2">
      <div className="bx--col-md-4 bx--col-lg-7">7/16</div>
      <div className="bx--col-md-4 bx--offset-lg-1 bx--col-lg-8">8/16</div>
    <div className="bx--row landing-page__r3">
      <div className="bx--col-md-4 bx--col-lg-4">1/4</div>
      <div className="bx--col-md-4 bx--col-lg-4">1/4</div>
      <div className="bx--col-md-4 bx--col-lg-4">1/4</div>
      <div className="bx--col-md-4 bx--col-lg-4">1/4</div>

I added a class of bx--grid--full-width to the grid container since our rows need to expand the whole page without any margins. I also added some custom classes like landing-page, landing-page__banner, landing-page__r2, etc., which I will use later.

Also, take notice of the second row. The tab content only covers 7 columns at this large viewport to prevent overly-large line lengths, so we needed to add a 1 column offset bx--offset-lg-1 to second column to fill the full 16 columns in the grid. Then, both of those columns have bx--col-md-4 classes so they are of equal width at medium-sized viewports.

Building Landing Page

First Row - Breadcrumbs

In our first row we’ll need a BreadCrumb component. First, let’s import the components we need to src/content/LandingPage/LandingPage.js:

import { Breadcrumb, BreadcrumbItem } from 'carbon-components-react';

We can now add our component to the first row, along with a header, like so:

<div className="bx--row landing-page__banner">
  <div className="bx--col-lg-16">
    <Breadcrumb noTrailingSlash>
        <a href="/">Introduction</a>
    <h1 className="landing-page__heading">INSTAR Carbon</h1>

Second Row - Tabs

In our second row we’ll need Tabs and Button components. We’ll update the carbon-components-react import in src/content/LandingPage/LandingPage.js to:

import {
} from 'carbon-components-react';

Before we can render the tabs, we need to add some props for the component after the import in src/content/LandingPage/LandingPage.js. These example props came from the React Tabs Story in Storybook:

const props = {
  tabs: {
    selected: 0,
    role: 'navigation',
  tab: {
    role: 'presentation',
    tabIndex: 0,

Modify the second row to use the Tab component:

<div className="bx--row landing-page__r2">
  <div className="bx--col bx--no-gutter">
    <Tabs {...props.tabs}>
      <Tab {} label="Hello World!">
        <div className="bx--grid bx--grid--no-gutter bx--grid--full-width">
          <div className="bx--row landing-page__tab-content">
            <div className="bx--col-md-4 bx--col-lg-7">
              Consectetur adipisicing elit. Eveniet eos repellendus aspernatur molestias autem sed soluta voluptate.
            <div className="bx--col-md-4 bx--offset-lg-1 bx--col-lg-8">
              Voluptatibus numquam placeat dicta, delectus commodi iure, quam, distinctio enim consequatur repudiandae autem!
      <Tab {} label="Contact">
        <div className="bx--grid bx--grid--no-gutter bx--grid--full-width">
          <div className="bx--row landing-page__tab-content">
            <div className="bx--col-lg-16">
              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Iusto quas in quasi, quisquam reiciendis repellendus natus fugit? Voluptatibus numquam placeat dicta, delectus commodi iure, quam, distinctio enim consequatur repudiandae autem!
      <Tab {} label="More">
        <div className="bx--grid bx--grid--no-gutter bx--grid--full-width">
          <div className="bx--row landing-page__tab-content">
            <div className="bx--col-lg-16">
              Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Magni, inventore error officiis suscipit eos doloribus quam quidem, sapiente voluptas repellendus debitis iusto rem voluptatum cumque facilis, modi excepturi minus officia?

Next, we’ll need to add some styling overrides to move the tabs to the right on large viewports. Create a file _overrides.scss in src/content/LandingPage with this declaration block.

.landing-page__r2 .bx--tabs--scrollable {
  transform: translateZ(0);
  justify-content: flex-end;
.landing-page__r2 .bx--tab-content {
  padding: 0;

Then in src/content/LandingPage/_landing-page.scss add this import at the top of the file:

@import './overrides.scss';

We can now add our images and text for each column in the Hello World! tab in src/content/LandingPage/LandingPage.js:

<Tab {} label="Hello World!">
  <div className="bx--grid bx--grid--no-gutter bx--grid--full-width">
    <div className="bx--row landing-page__tab-content">
      <div className="bx--col-md-4 bx--col-lg-7">
        <h2 className="landing-page__subheading">
          What is Carbon?
        <p className="landing-page__p">
          Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Magni,
          inventore error officiis suscipit eos doloribus quam quidem,
          sapiente voluptas repellendus debitis iusto rem voluptatum cumque
          facilis, modi excepturi minus officia?
        <Button>Learn more</Button>
      <div className="bx--col-md-4 bx--offset-lg-1 bx--col-lg-8">
          alt="Carbon illustration"

Now let’s set the image size in src/content/LandingPage/_landing-page.scss:

.landing-page__illo {
  max-width: 100%;

Third Row - Header

The third row will be created later, so I’ll just add the headers for now src/content/LandingPage/LandingPage.js:

<div className="bx--row landing-page__r3">
  <div className="bx--col-md-4 bx--col-lg-4">
    <h3 className="landing-page__label">The Principles</h3>
  <div className="bx--col-md-4 bx--col-lg-4">Carbon is Open</div>
  <div className="bx--col-md-4 bx--col-lg-4">Carbon is Modular</div>
  <div className="bx--col-md-4 bx--col-lg-4">Carbon is Consistent</div>