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Secure Timeserver - Deploying a NTS Server using Hashicorp Nomad

TST, Hong Kong

From Compose to Nomad

I now have a timeserver with NTS support that I can deploy using Docker-Compose:

version: '3.9'

build: .
image: cturra/ntp:latest
container_name: chrony
restart: unless-stopped
- type: bind
source: /opt/docker-ntp/assets/
target: /opt/
- type: bind
source: /etc/letsencrypt/live/my.server.domain/fullchain.pem
target: /opt/fullchain.pem
- type: bind
source: /etc/letsencrypt/live/my.server.domain/privkey.pem
target: /opt/privkey.pem
- 123:123/udp
- 4460:4460/tcp


First I need to add the new Timeserver to my Nomad & Consul Cluster. So let's install the Nomad and Consul Clients using the Debian package manager:

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main"
sudo apt update && sudo apt install nomad consul

Hashicorp Nomad

Add Client Configuration in /etc/nomad.d/client.hcl:

name = "nts"
datacenter = "chronyNTS"
data_dir = "/opt/nomad/data"
bind_addr = ""

advertise {
http = ""
rpc = "my.client-server.ip"
serf = "my.client-server.ip"

ports {
http =
rpc =
serf =

client {
enabled = true
servers = ["my.nomad.master:port"]

host_volume "letsencrypt" {
path = "/etc/letsencrypt"
read_only = false

server {
enabled = false

acl {
enabled = true

# Require TLS
tls {
http = true
rpc = true

ca_file = "/etc/nomad.d/tls/nomad-ca.pem"
cert_file = "/etc/nomad.d/tls/client.pem"
key_file = "/etc/nomad.d/tls/client-key.pem"

verify_server_hostname = true
verify_https_client = true

# Docker Configuration
plugin "docker" {

volumes {
enabled = true
selinuxlabel = "z"

allow_privileged = false
allow_caps = ["chown", "net_raw"]


log_level = "WARN"
log_rotate_duration = "30d"
log_rotate_max_files = 12

Make sure to copy your TLS configuration (ca-cert, client-cert and client-key) to /etc/nomad.d/tls and that the data directory /opt/nomad/data is available. It is very important to add the Docker Plugin configuration and enable volumes here. This way we can now point a host_volume to the Let's Encrypt certificates we need to mount into our container.

Hashicorp Consul

Add Client Configuration in /etc/consul.d/consul.hcl:

# Full configuration options can be found at
datacenter = "consul"
data_dir = "/opt/consul"
client_addr = ""
server = false
bind_addr = "my.client-server.ip"
encrypt = "mysecretencryptionkey"
retry_join = ["my.nomad.master"]

# TLS configuration
tls {
defaults {
ca_file = "/etc/consul.d/tls/consul-agent-ca.pem"
internal_rpc {
verify_server_hostname = true

auto_encrypt {
tls = true

# ACL configuration
acl {
enabled = true
default_policy = "deny"
enable_token_persistence = true

# Performance
performance {
raft_multiplier = 1

ports {
grpc =
dns =
http =
https =
serf_lan =
serf_wan =
server =

Make sure to copy your TLS configuration (ca_file) to /etc/consul.d/tls and that the data directory /opt/consul is available.

Creating the Nomad Job File


ERROR: This file is still has an issue - the container is run with "network_mode=host" which causes an issue with the mounted TLS certificate. And there was another issue with the mount configuration itself. You can find corrected job file at the end of this article!

job "chrony_nts" {
datacenters = ["chronyNTS"]
type = "service"

group "docker" {
# Only start 1 instance
count = 1
# Set static ports
network {
mode = "host"
port "ntp" {
static = "123"
port "nts" {
static = "4460"
# Do canary updates
update {
max_parallel = 1
min_healthy_time = "10s"
healthy_deadline = "2m"
progress_deadline = "5m"
auto_revert = true
auto_promote = true
canary = 1
# Register the service with Consul
service {
name = "NTS"
port = "nts"

check {
name = "NTS Service"
type = "tcp"
interval = "10s"
timeout = "1s"
# Add the let's encrypt volume
# volume "letsencrypt" {
# type = "host"
# read_only = false
# source = "letsencrypt"
# }

task "chrony_container" {
driver = "docker"
# Docker environment variables
env {
# Mount the let's encrypt certificates
# volume_mount {
# volume = "letsencrypt"
# destination = "/opt/letsencrypt"
# read_only = false
# }

config {
image = ""
ports = ["ntp", "nts"]
network_mode = "host"
force_pull = true

mount {
type = "bind"
target = "/opt/letsencrypt"
source = "/etc/letsencrypt/live"
readonly = false
bind_options {
propagation = "rshared"

auth {
username = "mygitlabuser"
password = "password"

Note that the volume is now mounted to /opt/letsencrypt inside the container. So we have to update the script for Chrony and rebuild the container:

# final bits for the config file
echo "driftfile /var/lib/chrony/chrony.drift"
echo "makestep 0.1 3"
echo "rtcsync"
echo "ntsserverkey /opt/letsencrypt/live/"
echo "ntsservercert /opt/letsencrypt/live/"
echo "ntsprocesses 3"
echo "maxntsconnections 512"
echo "ntsdumpdir /var/lib/chrony"
echo "allow all"


Great so let's nomad plan chrony_nts.nomad and run the job. It starts up but my old friend is back:

Secure Timeserver - Deploying a NTS Server using Hashicorp Nomad

2022-09-22T13:18:50Z Could not set credentials : Error while reading file.
2022-09-22T13:18:50Z Could not set credentials : Error while reading file.
2022-09-22T13:18:50Z Could not set credentials : Error while reading file.

The Let's Encrypt certificates cannot be read by Chrony and the NTS connection fails with a bad handshake (but NTP works fine):

chronyd -Q -t 3 'server iburst nts maxsamples 1'

2022-09-23T06:33:34Z chronyd version 4.2 starting (+CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC +PRIVDROP -SCFILTER +SIGND +ASYNCDNS +NTS +SECHASH +IPV6 -DEBUG)
2022-09-23T06:33:34Z Disabled control of system clock
2022-09-23T06:33:34Z TLS handshake with my.server.ip:4460 (my.server.domain) failed : The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.


The run command returns an allocation ID that I can use to further investigate the issue:

nomad job run /etc/nomad.d/jobs/chrony_nts.nomad

==> 2022-09-23T09:40:52+02:00: Monitoring evaluation "a7738da8"
2022-09-23T09:40:52+02:00: Evaluation triggered by job "chrony_nts"
2022-09-23T09:40:52+02:00: Evaluation within deployment: "da9c6ebc"
2022-09-23T09:40:52+02:00: Allocation "68db9b76" created: node "a68296fa", group "docker"
2022-09-23T09:40:52+02:00: Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete"
==> 2022-09-23T09:40:52+02:00: Evaluation "a7738da8" finished with status "complete"
==> 2022-09-23T09:40:52+02:00: Monitoring deployment "da9c6ebc"

Here the allocation ID is 68db9b76 that I can now use with the alloc command - and at the end of the return I find the issue for the failing deployment:

nomad alloc status 68db9b76


Recent Events:
Time Type Description
2022-09-23T09:40:56+02:00 Alloc Unhealthy Unhealthy because of failed task
2022-09-23T09:40:52+02:00 Not Restarting Error was unrecoverable
2022-09-23T09:40:52+02:00 Driver Failure Failed to create container configuration for image "": volumes are not enabled; cannot mount volume: "letsencrypt"
2022-09-23T09:40:52+02:00 Driver Downloading image
2022-09-23T09:40:52+02:00 Task Setup Building Task Directory
2022-09-23T09:40:52+02:00 Received Task received by client


  • Define volume_mount in the task, but outside the config directory.
  • Do not run container in network_mode=host

Now the volume is mounted correctly, the certificate can be read and NTS is working:

docker exec -ti chrony_container-74e8b0ba-f7b3-b0ef-d1a7-90efe309535c /bin/ash

chronyd -Q -t 3 'server iburst nts maxsamples 1'
2022-09-23T08:54:27Z chronyd version 4.2 starting (+CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC +PRIVDROP -SCFILTER +SIGND +ASYNCDNS +NTS +SECHASH +IPV6 -DEBUG)
2022-09-23T08:54:27Z Disabled control of system clock
2022-09-23T08:54:29Z System clock wrong by -0.000708 seconds (ignored)
2022-09-23T08:54:29Z chronyd exiting

I can see an accepted NTS-KE connection and an authenticated NTP packet send:

chronyc serverstats
NTP packets received : 1
NTP packets dropped : 0
Command packets received : 12
Command packets dropped : 0
Client log records dropped : 0
NTS-KE connections accepted: 36
NTS-KE connections dropped : 0
Authenticated NTP packets : 1
Interleaved NTP packets : 0
NTP timestamps held : 0
NTP timestamp span : 0

Final Nomad Job File

job "chrony_nts" {
datacenters = ["chronyNTS"]
type = "service"

group "docker" {
count = 1

network {
port "ntp" {
static = "123"
port "nts" {
static = "4460"

update {
max_parallel = 1
min_healthy_time = "10s"
healthy_deadline = "2m"
progress_deadline = "5m"
auto_revert = true
auto_promote = true
canary = 1

service {
name = "NTS"
port = "nts"

check {
name = "NTS Service"
type = "tcp"
interval = "10s"
timeout = "1s"

volume "letsencrypt" {
type = "host"
read_only = false
source = "letsencrypt"

task "chrony_container" {
driver = "docker"
volume_mount {
volume = "letsencrypt"
destination = "/opt/letsencrypt"
read_only = false

env {

config {
image = ""
ports = ["ntp", "nts"]
network_mode = "default"
force_pull = true

auth {
username = "mygitlabuser"
password = "password"