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Hashicorp Consul - Vault Cert Management Part 3

Shen Zhen, China

Configure consul-template

Create Template Files

We can now use Consul-Template to automate certificate renewal for Consul when the TTL is expired. We can instruct consul-template to generate and retrieve those files from Vault using the following templates:

mkdir /opt/consul/templates

/opt/consul/templates/agent.crt.tpl (Master only)

Careful: The official documentation uses the common_name for the default datacenter consul.dc1. I use the name consul here and have to change the variable consul.consul accordingly. Otherwise the cert verification will fail. This name will be used a couple of times in the following commands - you need to change all of them according to your setup.

{{ with secret "pki_int/issue/consul-consul" "common_name=server.consul.consul" "ttl=24h" "alt_names=localhost" "ip_sans="}}
{{ .Data.certificate }}
{{ end }}

The template will use the pki_int/issue/consul-consul endpoint that Vault exposes to generate new certificates.

/opt/consul/templates/agent.key.tpl (Master only)

{{ with secret "pki_int/issue/consul-consul" "common_name=server.consul.consul" "ttl=24h" "alt_names=localhost" "ip_sans="}}
{{ .Data.private_key }}
{{ end }}

/opt/consul/templates/ca.crt.tpl (All Nodes)

{{ with secret "pki_int/issue/consul-consul" "common_name=server.consul.consul" "ttl=24h"}}
{{ .Data.issuing_ca }}
{{ end }}

Not sure if this is necessary - but since the Consul agent is running with the consul user (Master node only) I will change the user rights:

chown -R consul:consul /opt/consul/templates

Create consul-template Configuration

Now we need to create a configuration file consul_template.hcl that will instruct Consul-Template to retrieve the files needed for the agent, client and server, to configure TLS encryption:

Server Configuration

/opt/consul/templates/consul_template.hcl (Master only)

# This denotes the start of the configuration section for Vault. All values
# contained in this section pertain to Vault.
vault {
# This is the address of the Vault leader. The protocol (http(s)) portion
# of the address is required.
address = "http://localhost:8200"

# This value can also be specified via the environment variable VAULT_TOKEN.
# I am using the admin token created earlier
token = "s.MdNlboI0nff3Xpo97d1TfIxd"

unwrap_token = false

renew_token = false

# This block defines the configuration for a template. Unlike other blocks,
# this block may be specified multiple times to configure multiple templates.
template {
# This is the source file on disk to use as the input template. This is often
# called the "consul-template template".
source = "/opt/consul/templates/agent.crt.tpl"

# This is the destination path on disk where the source template will render.
# If the parent directories do not exist, consul-template will attempt to
# create them, unless create_dest_dirs is false.
destination = "/opt/consul/agent-certs/agent.crt"

# This is the permission to render the file. If this option is left
# unspecified, consul-template will attempt to match the permissions of the
# file that already exists at the destination path. If no file exists at that
# path, the permissions are 0644.
perms = 0700

# This is the optional command to run when the template is rendered. The
# command will only run if the resulting template changes.
command = "sh -c 'date && consul reload'"

template {
source = "/opt/consul/templates/agent.key.tpl"
destination = "/opt/consul/agent-certs/agent.key"
perms = 0700
command = "sh -c 'date && consul reload'"

template {
source = "/opt/consul/templates/ca.crt.tpl"
destination = "/opt/consul/agent-certs/ca.crt"
command = "sh -c 'date && consul reload'"

The configuration file for the server contains the information to retrieve the CA certificate as well as the certificate/key pair for the server agent:

  • address : The address of your Vault server. If Vault runs on the same node as Consul you can use http://localhost:8200
  • token : A valid Vault ACL token with appropriate permissions

Client Configuration

/opt/consul/templates/consul_template.hcl (Minions only)

# This denotes the start of the configuration section for Vault. All values
# contained in this section pertain to Vault.
vault {
# This is the address of the Vault leader. The protocol (http(s)) portion
# of the address is required.
address = "https://server.consul.consul:8201"

# This value can also be specified via the environment variable VAULT_TOKEN.
# I am using the admin token created earlier
token = "s.MdNlboI0nff3Xpo97d1TfIxd"

unwrap_token = false

renew_token = false

template {
source = "/opt/consul/templates/ca.crt.tpl"
destination = "/opt/consul/agent-certs/ca.crt"
command = "sh -c 'date && consul reload'"

The configuration file for the server contains the information to retrieve the CA certificate only, the certificates for client agents are automatically generated from Consul when using the auto_encrypt setting:

  • address : The address of your Vault server. Here you need to use the IP / domain + opened port of your Vault master
  • token : A valid Vault ACL token with appropriate permissions

To be able to access Vault from an external service I am using a Vault-generated certificate. On my test system, that runs both Consul and Vault on a single server, I can use the Consul cert itself. For this to work I needed to add the Consul server address - which is in my case server.consul.consul - to /etc/hosts to resolve the WAN IP of my Vault server. Now I am still running into issues since the Certificate Authority is not being recognized by my Linux machine. So I have to add it to the trusted-store:

ln -s /opt/consul/agent-certs/ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ca.crt
Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...
1 added, 0 removed; done.
Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d...

Start consul-template

After configuration is completed, you can start consul-template. You must provide the file with the -config parameter:

consul-template -config "/opt/consul/templates/consul_template.hcl"

THis service will output a `` every 24h - according to our Cert TTL. Meaning that the Consul service has been restarted after the certificate was updated. You can verify the cert validity by running:

openssl x509 -text -noout -in /opt/consul/agent-certs/agent.crt 

Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: CN = consul.consul Intermediate Authority
Not Before: Dec 5 06:34:13 2022 GMT
Not After : Dec 6 06:34:43 2022 GMT
Subject: CN = server.consul.consul


Nomad Automation

We can run this job with Nomad on all clients (except the master) using the raw_exec driver. To enable raw exec, the Nomad client configuration must explicitly enable the raw_exec driver in the plugin's options:


plugin "raw_exec" {
config {
enabled = true
job "consul-cert-renewal" {

type = "system"

datacenters = ["All","your","datacenters"]

group "cert-renewal" {

task "consul-template" {
driver = "raw_exec"

config {
# When running a binary that exists on the host, the path must be absolute/
command = "/usr/bin/consul-template"
args = ["-config", "/opt/consul/templates/consul_template.hcl"]